How Gambling is Unique Among Addictions


Every addiction is unique in its own right, and gambling is no exception. Gambling as an addiction has some qualities that set it apart from other addictions, such as what it takes for a gambler to achieve a high, the fact that it is a process addiction instead of a substance addiction, and the chemical award achieved through gambling is derived from an emotional state. There are those who would not even call compulsive gambling a legitimate addiction, but by every definition of the word addiction, compulsive gambling is indeed an addiction.

If a person is addicted to a substance, such as cocaine or alcohol, they probably would not understand the high that a compulsive gambler achieves from gambling. A substance addiction is entirely different from a process addiction. It relies on a chemically induced altered perception where as a process addiction relies on repetitive behaviors in order to achieve a high. Both processes ultimately achieve the much desired brain chemical dopamine for the addict, but they go about it in very different ways. Where as a substance addiction requires a chemical alteration to the body and the brain, a process addiction creates thrills for the addict through actions they take.

When the chemical reward of an addiction comes entirely from an emotional state, the addiction is not stronger or weaker than a substance addiction. It is merely different. Both types of addiction can be equal in the harm they do the addict and those who become involved in their addiction. Often, substance addictions are thought of as the more dangerous type of addiction because of the severe consequences of overdosing on or withdrawing from the substance. But in actuality, process addictions can have just as serious of ramifications on a person’s life and health. For example, a sex addiction may lead to sexually transmitted diseases or asphyxiation, while a gambling addiction can lead to borrowing money from the wrong people and later having bookies break your legs.